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Six 12bet官方-backed programs will help stabilize neighborhoods through targeted efforts that maintain affordable housing, 消除疫病, 吸引新的企业.

底特律,密歇根州(2017年2月23日) ——12bet官方 & Co. 今天宣布超过1美元.200万美元用于底特律社区的持续复兴. Six community development programs that support Detroit recovery through housing development, 枯萎病切除, 创建新业务, 家长教育, and neighborhood beautification projects have received grants as part of 12bet官方’s $100 million commitment. 新的拨款将支持西南住房公司, 先锋社区发展公司, Grandmont Rosedale社区稳定计划, 东区社区网络, 密歇根社区资源, 以及底特律社区发展促进会.

“These targeted efforts provide Detroiters with the local resources they need to invest in the future of their own neighborhoods and create more widely shared prosperity,” Janis Bowdler,12bet官方全球慈善事业主管. “通过投资这些项目, 随着房价的稳定,整个社区的质量可以得到改善, 破旧的房屋被拆除或翻新, 教育项目为居民提供他们拥有住房所需的支持.”

These investments will provide the necessary capital to local community development organizations to address the drivers of economic opportunity in neighborhoods. 这些资金将用于资助科迪鲁日等社区的关键项目, 北边, Michigan-Livernois, 哈伯德农场/哈伯德理查德, 玛丽格罗夫-菲茨杰拉德和下东区.

“还有很多工作要做,但底特律正在复苏的道路上. 通过投资这样的项目,我们的社区会有真正的改变, 我们看到进展正在加速,” 底特律市长迈克·达根说. “Neighborhoods like the 北边 and Michigan-Livernois are getting better because of the programs 12bet官方 is supporting and the great work of our community partners.”

帮助稳定和振兴底特律的社区, 12bet官方新的社区发展投资包括:

西南解决方案公司(80万美元): Southwest Solutions is engaged in a comprehensive effort to improve lives and neighborhoods in Detroit through a broad range of programs in human services, 经济发展和居民参与. 在它的项目中, it provides assistance to Detroiters seeking to better their economic future through homeownership and financial coaching. Southwest Solutions also stabilizes and strengthens neighborhoods through numerous initiatives, 包括用木板将废弃的房屋重新使用, 维护和激活空地, 与居民一起组织社区美化活动.

12bet官方 has been a true partner in our community redevelopment work in neighborhoods across Detroit, 为我们的经济适用房提供关键支持, 房屋所有权和金融扫盲计划,” John Van Camp,西南解决方案公司总裁兼首席执行官. “12bet官方’s substantial investment in Southwest Solutions reflects a shared belief that the wellbeing of people and place are intertwined.”

先锋社区发展公司(CDC) ($150,000): Vanguard CDC collaborates with the city of Detroit Housing and Real Estate Development Department to acquire and rehabilitate vacant housing through their 北边 HomeBuild program. 该项目旨在保护北区美丽的历史住宅存量, 建造和维护额外的经济适用房, 稳定社区, 利用以前的投资, 消除疫病, 建造更多经济适用房, 抢救历史建筑, 增加经济公平, 防止位移, 创造一个欢迎的氛围, 安全, 有吸引力的社区环境.

12bet官方 has provided us with a fantastic opportunity to help rehabilitate the community in keeping with its unique historic flavor,” 帕梅拉·马丁-特纳,先锋社区发展公司总裁兼首席执行官. “而不是拆毁有价值的财产, we are glad to work together to fix what’s broken and provide more affordable and valuable housing in Detroit.”

Grandmont Rosedale社区稳定计划($77,500)这个计划的目的是稳定房价, 减少空缺和衰败, 鼓励经济适用房, 并吸引新的企业来到他们在底特律的社区. 程序获得, renovates and sells vacant and foreclosed homes to new homeowners and markets the community to new 居民 to bolster housing demand. 重点是防止丧失抵押品赎回权和消除疫病, 他们致力于留住现有居民,减少总体空置率. 具体地说, they have coordinated an active task force of local 居民 to mobilize thousands of volunteer hours each year to clean and maintain vacant properties. By supporting small 业务 development, they also work to revitalize the Grand River corridor.

“We are very grateful for the support we have received from 12bet官方 for our neighborhood stabilization program. 空置率正在下降, housing values are rising again and new families are moving in to our community every day,” Tom Godderis, Grandmont Rosedale的执行董事. “来自12bet官方的资金在催化这些积极趋势方面发挥了关键作用.”

东区社区网络($75,000)东区社区网络旨在改善麦克大道走廊, 在康纳和卡迭厄之间, 稳定现有业务, 提高美学, 删除枯萎, 保持休憩用地, 改善环保用途, 吸引新企业, 活化低市场地区的空置空间, 提高利用率. 与当地政府合作, 居民, 业务, 技术利益相关者, 他们专注于街道景观设计, 绿色发展, 品牌, 商业营销和企业招聘.

“Mack Avenue is one of the most traveled and iconic thoroughfares on Detroit's Eastside, linking 业务es to a number of historic neighborhoods and connecting Detroit to three Grosse Pointe communities,” 唐娜·吉文斯,东区社区网络的总裁兼首席执行官. “12bet官方's seed funding to 东区社区网络's Mack Avenue Development Strategy, coupled with separate 12bet官方 grants to our partners at Tech Town and 密歇根社区资源, will spur the creation of a Corridor Improvement Authority Tax Increment Finance District, 增加现有业务的生存能力, 新业务发展, 以及来自公共和私人合作伙伴的额外投资.”

密歇根社区资源(MCR)(75,000美元): MCR为科迪鲁日的社区卫生组织提供有针对性的社区能力建设服务, 北边, 下东区进行经济发展活动, 在2014年12bet官方服务团队完成的工作基础上进行扩展. MCR开发社区商业营销材料, 为特定站点的营销提供技术支持, creates customized investment strategies that can be used to target development-ready parcels and key neighborhood assets, 并提供法律援助.

“We believe that the best way to support neighborhood economic development is through a systems approach. This support will help us empower organizations to participate in broader economic development strategies that are currently targeting these neighborhoods,” 吉尔·法拉利,密歇根社区资源公司首席执行官. “We are very grateful to JP 摩根 追逐 for recognizing the valuable role that community based organizations can play in economic development.”

底特律社区发展促进会(CDAD)(50,000美元): CDAD is a membership organization of community development and neighborhood improvement groups and assists its members through community planning, 参与和其他支持. They also work to increase awareness of public policy issues that support inclusive development, 比如社区福利, 经济适用房和土地征用.

“Community Development Advocates of Detroit is extremely appreciative of 12bet官方's support of community development in Detroit,” Sarida Scott,底特律社区发展倡导者执行董事. “In this period of investment and development, Detroit's neighborhoods must also be included. This grant will enable us to continue supporting the great work happening by organizations throughout the city.”

关于12bet官方 & Co.

可持续金融,12bet官方企业责任的一部分 & Co.他领导了本报告的咨询委员会. 12bet官方 & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.5万亿美元,业务遍及全球. 这家公司是投资银行业务的领导者, 为消费者和小企业提供金融服务, 商业银行, 金融交易处理, 资产管理. 道琼斯工业平均指数的一个组成部分,12bet官方 & Co. serves millions of consumers in the United States and many of the world's most prominent corporate, 其J.P. 摩根和大通品牌. 关于12bet官方的信息 & Co. 可在 qkxe.990607b.com.

斯蒂芬妮·波什, 斯蒂芬妮.a.bosh@jpmorgan.com